how to change your name on facebook 2020 Guide

 how to change your name on facebook 2020 guide 

 welcome my blog sonu india. This blog provides all the information related to internet free and in the right way. Here we are going to talk, how to change your name on facebook. We always try to get people to answer their question as soon as possible. And try to give an answer to the question in an exact way. So don't take time. Come on answer.

how to change your name on facebook

 how to change your name on facebook ?

Please follow 5 step 
 You might know that facebook is the most used social platform in the world.Founder: Mark Zuckerberg.  There are 22.45 billion users on facebook. Whose numbers are constantly increasing. Every user has a bio data on facebook. Which anyone can see. Such as user name, place, education, work, job and more. Every facebook user is known by his name and username.

 How do we change your name on facebook? About to tell. You have to follow the steps mentioned by us.
step 1 : facebook login . 
 First of all, you have to login to Facebook. For which you have to enter gmail id and username. 

step 2 : setting open.
open the setting. Which will open in a pop up window. You have to click on setting & privacy.
facebook setting & privacy.

Now there will be another pop up window open. You have to click on the setting.
facebook setting.

step 3:General Account Setting
 After clicking on setting, a setting page will open in front of you. You have to click on general. , Which will probably already be open. Now click on the option named after you.
facebook general account setting

step 4 : change name
Now here you can change your name. You have to delete the first name. And change your first name, middle name, and last name.

your name change on facebook

Please note: If you change your name on Facebook, you can't change it again for 60 days. Don't add any unusual capitalization, punctuation, characters or random words. Learn more.

Now you have to click Review change.

step 5 : save change
Now you will get to see this kind of interface here. You have to choose your name. Then you have to enter your Facebook account password. With which you login. After all these are complete, you have to click on save change.
your name has change on facebook save

Now your name has changed on facebook. Refresh once. In this way your name can be changed. Which are a simple process.

How do you like my information? And if you want an article on any other problem, then do not forget to write your question in the comment.

The conclusion 

In this post I have talked about how to change your name on facebook? I have explained everything in this post through full information and image. So that everyone can understand easily. Thank you have a nice day!
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